Please do NOT register here if you already have an account (i.e., by having used the network in the past).

Your room number (e.g., 1511)
We suggest this to be your move-in date or the start date for your lease term
End date of your lease term or, if earlier, prospective move-out date

The email address you want us to contact you with

Has to be at least 3 and at most 8 characters long. Only lowercase characters and digits are allowed!
Has to be at least 8 characters long. Never share your password!

In order to make the process as easy as possible, we would like you to upload your rental agreement, "Zuweisung" or subletting authorization here.

Only PDF Files, max. 4 MB.

List of fees for e.V.:
Registration fee:10.00€
Network fee:5.00€ per month. Prorated for the first (current) month.
incl. VAT
List of fees for KaWo Drei e.V.:
Admission fee: 10.00€
Membership fee: 2.00€ per month.

Charges that are due are deducted from your prepaid account with e.V. on a monthly basis. You can top up this account at any time by various means e.g. bank transfer.

Membership application KaWo Drei e.V.